1·Fine tune production planning and assign Numbers to camera shots to align with scene order.
2·When looked on camera shots, they appear very natural, but at the same time they seem to have some artificial traces.
3·Storyboard: Illustrated board showing proposed camera shots of an advertisement with script and technical annotation.
4·A shooting script is the final script that details specific camera shots for a director when the film's ready to be shot.
5·Much of this is covertly filmed, sometimes by the farmers themselves, with wobbly camera shots enhancing the sense of chaos and terror.
6·Some of the close-up, level-to-the-ground camera shots put viewers smack up against the smack-ups that bring the ball carriers so bruisingly to a halt.
7·He took three rolls of film with his Minolta camera, plus 245 digital shots.
8·White Balance is an aspect of photography that many digital camera owners don’t understand or use – but it’s something well worth learning about as it can have a real impact upon the shots you take.
白平衡是摄影的基本要素之一,但很多数码相机用户都没有完全理解它,更谈不上灵活运用。 不过白平衡是非常值得花功夫学习的,会对你拍摄的照片有非常大的影响。
9·Both Mortimer and Clarkson shine, as well, with all three of the actresses involved here getting juicy, downright startling shots at the camera.
10·Even an unfamiliar SLR camera can produce rotten shots. Be sure to set your camera to Bulb mode for maximum exposure.